
Gravitational BAOBAB

Pulp Powder

Adansonia digitata

Why Gravitational? Baobab, like gravity, is a force of potential energy

  • Slightly tangy, citrus-like taste
  • Notes of caramel, pear, and grapefruit
  • Nutrient-dense superfood

Why Gravitational? Baobab, like gravity, is a force of potential energy

Sourced from trees across the savannahs and dry regions of Africa, Baobab pulp comes from what is known as The Tree of Life or The Monkey Bread Tree. Harvested with minimal environmental impact, the outer hard shell of the fruit is cracked open, and the contents removed; the seeds are separated from the pulp, and the pulp is then pressed into powder. Well-known as a good source of many vital minerals, such as potassium, organic Baobab pulp is particularly rich in antioxidants. Renowned for its interesting fiber content, it may help to enhance digestion. Baobab has long been an important food source, commonly consumed and appreciated by the indigenous people of Africa, Arabia, Australia, and Madagascar, for its delicious taste and its benefits.



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Drink recipe with gravitational baobab






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