healthy gluten free breakfast with pancakes recipe


Fluffy and tasty gluten-free pancakes for breakfast with
Timeless QUINOA Seeds Powder
Gravitational BAOBAB Pulp Powder
Elliptical NOPAL Leave Powder

Our Gluten-Free Pancakes are not only a treat for your taste buds but also a smart choice for those with gluten sensitivities. They offer the same fluffy texture and satisfying flavor without the gluten.
Start your day with a stack of these delightful Gluten-Free Pancakes, and enjoy a scrumptious breakfast that suits your dietary preferences.


1 cup Almond milk
1 cup (76g) Rice flour
4 Eggs
1 (58g) Timeless QUINOA Seeds Powder
2 tsp Gravitational BAOBAB Pulp Powder
2 tspElliptical NOPAL Leave Powder
2 tsp Baking powder (without gluten)
Pinch Sea salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract
For serving :
2 tbsp Mapple syrup
Toppings (fruits)


10-12 pancakes

Prep time: 10 mins - Cook time: 15 mins

1. Blend all powder ingredients until combine.
2. Add almond milk and blend all ingredients.
3. Add the eggs and whisk again. If necessary use a mixer to have a homogeneous texture (without lump).
4. Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat.
5. Drop about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and spread into a circle.
6. Cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat until you can easily slide a spatula underneath. Flip and cook for 2-3 minutes on the second side.
7. Repeat until all the batter is used up.
8. Add toppings of your choice (fruits, mapple syrup ...). Enjoy!


Notes: Make it iced : cool 30 min to the fridge, then pour over ice.